Notes: This is the final part of the series and has striker becoming one with the boom. This comic involved a fair bit of editing to try and give it an explosive feel. When the boom starts taking over striker I added a soft outer glow and gave him glowing eyes. The eyes were done by cutting out images of flames and pasting them over the eyes with a bit of blur and glow. To further show his progression I cut out him and other characters and put a flat white layer set to "color" over the background. This gives the desaturated (black and white) look. In later shows when he was further away I used a gradient on the white layer to make it so that the desaturation faded near the edges. The head explosions were done using a fire image on top of a blood splat image the same way as Strikers' eyes. The explosion was originally a blue image but I colourized it to be more flame coloured to fit with the other explosions in the comic.