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Very basic text entry

Very basic text entry

Notes: This is a very basic text entry program to finish off the keyboard section. It doesn't have spell-check or mouse support but you can write in every bit of the window. Delete and backspace work to remove characters and Esc clears the whole window while enter moves the caret down a line but doesn't affect the text. The arrow keys work to move the caret around, while the home, end, page down and page up keys move the caret to the start of the line, end of the line, and the top of the window, bottom of the window respectively. Typer works similar to a normal text entry program but with insert mode enabled so when you type a letter it overwrites the character after the caret. The interesting thing though is that it allows you to type anywhere on the page because it just treats the entire window as a 2D grid, so you can use the arrow keys to move the caret into the middle of the window and start typing.

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