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2011-05-09 - RSS feeds

I have made an RSS feed. I actually made it a few days ago but haven’t gotten around to posting about it until now. I’ve been sick and lazy and those kinds of things, but I’m here now so yeah. RSS feeds are actually surprisingly easy to do. It’s just an xml document that sits at the root of the website and store information. Whenever I write something new I add another entry to it and upload it along with the other changes. If you subscribe to the RSS feed whenever I do an update like that it will tell you that I’ve done an update like that. What could be easier? It’s like checking the site without ever checking the site which is useful because I’m lazy and rarely update the site. Oh, it also might be my birthday or something.

EDIT: The biggest problem with RSS feeds so far is figuring out what time it is in GMT on a 24 hour clock. To simplify things I figured I’d just set all the previous entries to be at 00:00:00. The problem with this is that midnight GMT is actually 6 pm the night before here which means all the dates were off. So now they are 6 GMT and 0 here and it’s all good. Then I went and set today’s entry as 10 instead of 22. Time is fun.
